Tuesday, July 24, 2007

At Proto.in over the weekend

It was an exciting weekend. I was at Proto.in in Chennai. Proto.in is intended to be India's version of Demo.com. Minekey was one of the presenting companies - selected as 1 of the Top 25 companies in Asia! Yours truly gave a 6 minute demo of Minekey in action. Overall, a great event. Some very interesting companies were there including Tolmolbol, Routeguru, Tyroo, ZivaSoft, Buzzworks, Genie Interactive. For a complete list see and for Minekey coverage click here. This was such an excellent event to meet people from the entrepreneurial community as well as the investors. Great presence from the blogging and media community as well. The perfect ecosystem any startup could ask for. Look forward to organizing Proto.in in Delhi.
Some pictures from the presentation (Amit is running the demo):

1 comment:

Rajiv said...

Hi Gaurav, I am very excited to be a part of the team here in Sunnyvale. It's great that our company was first of all selected for Proto.in and seems the demo went well as there been a lot of coverage in the indian blogosphere, so congratulations!